Thursday, October 22, 2015

Reconsidering Runes of War

So it has come to this: after much consideration I have decided that it would be best for me not to purchase the models for Runes of War. I did not reach this decision lightly, I gave it lots of thought.

1. The list is very ridged, I would not be able to swap out elements like I can with other lists. I'm afraid that I'll play the list a couple of times, discover that it's not for me or it's not my play style and shelve it.
I like having a completely modular army list, having the freedom to swap out warbeasts, units, solos and even warcasters if I deem it fit. That's what I find fun about Warmachine: keeping things interesting by changing around your list now and again.

2. I'm really only interested in the models anyway. The thought of collecting the models, putting them together, mounting them on nice cork bases and painting them to the best of my ability is really what I'm after. It'll seem like a waste if all I end up doing is putting them on my shelf. I even had 2 nice foam trays all set aside for them. I planned out exactly how they would fit and how much space each model would take up.

Runes of War would be good to have if already played Trolls, a list that I could just slide into like it was for Fist of Halaak - I already owned most of the models.

I'm not saying that it's never going to happen, but I think that I'm planning this out for the wrong reasons. I may still collect elements of the list just to have and paint.

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