Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Epic Makeda - update

I played my eMakeda list against Adam and his eSorscha list last Tuesday. I did very well actually, I got a off a successful assassination on the top of turn 3. Adam saw it coming and tried desperately to kill my Archidon. he removed all but 1 health box. (whew)

Adam had moved Sorscha up against a wall but there was JUST enough space to fit a large base in front of her.
I activated Tiberion, moved him forward, killed a Great Bear.
I then activated Makeda, she popped her feat, healed the Archidon for 2 points, moved forward to make sure that the Archidon would end up in her control area and cast Road to War.
I then activated the Gladiator, he put its Rush animus on the Archidon.
The paingiver beast handlers activated, enraging the Archidon.
So for those of you keeping track, the Archidon is now P+S 17 (that worked out to be dice +1 due to Sorscha's ARM 15 plus 1 camp), charges for free, immune to free strikes, all to hit rolls are boosted and has a 14" charge range. I gave him the extra range because - well, why wouldn't you?
The Archidon activated, charged Sorscha. Needing 10s to hit, the first strike missed. Bought a second: hit. Bought a third: missed. Bought a third: hit and dead.

I almost feel that the game was too short and that the rest of the army was just window dressing for the assassination, but a win is a win. Adam had alot of high DEF infantry on the table, I don't know how I would have dealt with that with the list I picked. I am going to attempt to create a couple other lists specifically for dealing with high armor and high DEF infantry. The latter may include eHexeris with an Aradus and some Incindiarii.

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