Thursday, October 22, 2015

Epic Zaal List, Update

I did play my Epic Zaal list last weekend, with some unfavorable results. Lets just say that I'm no longer in a hurry to run out and buy 2 Aradus models.

I played against Adam and his pButcher list which included 3 heavy warjacks including Ruin, wardog, 2 units of MOW shocktroopers, Yuri the axe, manhunter and widowmakers.  Adam is no fool, he saw right through my plan. He moved Ruin forward and soon took out the extoller UA for the immortals. He moved Ruin a little bit further to threaten my caster. I made a feeble attempt to stop him with some nihilators and immortals, but the game was already over.

Some things I want to point out:
I have to do a better job of protecting the extoller, maybe not having him so far forward, maybe just keeping him in formation.

My theory on the Aradus' shooting was spot on, however I didn't factor in the lousy dice rolls. I landed an AOE on both of the MOW units but was only able to kill one model outright despite being poisonous and boosting damage. I'm sure the kill count would have been higher against light infantry.
I'm still not sure if I want to go with the dual Aradus battlegroup. I may stick with one and add a shaman for all its toolbox goodness. Adding range to Zaal's spells can't be a bad thing. I could have used a heavy to deal with Ruin, that would have at least bought me another turn or 2.

I think that this was just a bad match up. Having alot of those lately.....

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