Sunday, June 22, 2014

Mordikaar vs. Midas

I got yet another game with the void seer, this time against one of my favorite warlocks - Midas. Adam and I played the Incursion scenario at 35 points. I played the same list as last time. I deployed as a brick in the center with karax on the left the nihilators on the right, each unit ready to grab or at least contest the objectives nearest to them.
Adam moved his slaughterhausers to engage my front ranks and tied me up for a turn or two. My void spirit moved to contest the objective on the right. Adam was up in points by 1 by turn 4 but by that time most of his army was gone. He did pop his feat and bring back his dead warbeasts. I made the mistake of forgetting that after they came back, they were undead and had the krea shoot the war hog with spiritual paralysis. (Laughter did indeed ensue.) Last turn of the game I had Mordikaar cast the gladiator's animus on the gladiator and slammed the war/road hog, knocking down the gunboar and Midas. The gladiator was unable to do a full follow up because of the gun boar was in its path but was able to kill it. At which time, having only about 3 models left on the board, Adam conceded.
I don't consider this a full on victory as this was Adam's first game with Midas and there is a bit of a learning curve with him.
As far as my army, the gladiator was the star of the show yet again. I may consider a 2nd gladiator in future lists. I am becoming accustomed to not having beast handlers, odd because they were such a staple in my other lists. I'm getting better at fury management and didn't have to take any threshold checks. In a 50 point game, I may replace the karax with cetratii and include a gatorman witch doctor.

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