Sunday, June 8, 2014

Mordikaar Update

I went with the soulward for my last game instead of the second void spirit. I played against my usual opponent, Adam, and his Dr. Arkadius list. We played a 35 point Incursion SR2014 scenario.
He won the roll and went first. I tried something a little different, a denied flank maneuver. I set up the nihilators in the center, the void spirit on the left and everything else on the right side of my deployment zone. It worked out for the most part, I didn't end up with an infantry clump in the middle of the field. My tyrant commander got himself capped on turn 2. I should have expected no less; he's a medium based model in a sea of small based models. As per usual, I threw the niliators forward, used the karax as a bodyguard for Mordikaar and held back the warbeasts until turn 3. I actually remembered to feat this game, on turn 3. Despite my +3 DEF Adam still rolled like a champ but did miss a couple of attacks. We had ground each others armies down pretty well, I think I came out on top only because I had more models on the table from the start.
I have the unfortunate tenancy when playing Warmachine to go directly for the assassination, bypassing the scenario completely. In the past, I did the opposite and only went for the assassination only if winning by scenario was impossible. I think it makes for a more exciting game to use your army to kill stuff rather than hold objectives, however I do not wish for this game to devolve into a simple game of chess.

Late in the game, turn 4 I think, I saw no viable assassination options and was about to concede. Adam pointed out that I could dominate the right side objective and score 2 points. I did so and won due to the face that the center objective had become uncontested. I really don't count that as a win as I was going to concede and had Adam not said anything, the game would have ended.

I am very much enjoying this list, Mordikaar is a fun caster and I want to get more games under my belt before I move on to another. I am considering bringing this list from 35 to 50 points by dropping the gladiator and adding a mammoth, a min unit of beast handlers and a feralgiest.

Keeping track of my weight: as of 6/9/14: 246

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