Saturday, September 26, 2015


VTOL pilot
The Zaal list is legit. I played last Tueday against a cool dude named Jack and his Haley 3 list. It was a tight game an alot of fun. I lost but that's ok. Everybody did their jobs, except for the totem hunter. Next game he comes out and Saxxon Orrik and the swamp gobbers go in. I really needed pathfinder.

Battletech is progressing along nicely. Adam and I started a new campaign. I need to get better organized with my paperwork, juggling sheets for different mechs, tanks, vtols and infantry is a bother. I need to find a way to create my own vehicle data sheets and come up with a control sheet where at the start of the game I write down everybody's speed and what they did that turn. Playing with infantry last game was fun even though I lost 1 whole platoon. I built transports for them using the Battletech construction rules and used CAV minis from Reaper. 1 VTOL can carry 2 platoons of foot infantry, has enough armor to take a hit, lightning fast and equipped with machine guns and smoke launchers.

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