Thursday, November 27, 2014

Whisperings of the Dragon

I hear the call of Everblight,
Yes, dear reader, I have fallen to the Blight.
It all started when I was first getting into Warmachine. I was coming out of 40K and I had played Tyranids for a while. Everblight was tempting but The Legion warbeasts looked too much like Nids and I wanted to start off a new game with something fresh. I chose Cryx because I had never played an undead faction before.

About 3 years ago, I was tempted by the blight yet again. I made a deal (to keep the Empire out of here forever) on Bartertown to get the Legion starter box and 2 carniveans from 2 different traders. Both packages were expected to arrive on the same day. However my mail was intercepted and I never got them. I would have loved to see the look on the thief's face. "Wha ta hail dis shit?" I hope hes's in pieces right now. So I took it as a sign and delved deeper into Skorne.

Recently I played a fun pThagrosh on Vassal against Rob. It was pThag, 2 carniveans, 2 thrones and 3 units of warmongers. I lost but it was fun all the same. Thagrosh is one of those casters that when I read his stats, abilities and spells, I exclaim, "Holy Shit!" after almost every line. Guy's amazing! Not too crazy about the model however, that damn derp face.
But wouldn't you know it...not 1 week after the game, I see the new sculpt coming out in February. Must be fate. Plus I chanced upon some second hand Legion warbeasts at Dark Forest that were ridiculously cheap.

Right now, my list looks like this:
Points: 50/50
Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight (*5pts)
* Angelius (9pts)
* Carnivean (11pts)
* Typhon (12pts)
Throne of Everblight (9pts)
Blighted Ogrun Warspears (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
* Warspear Chieftan (2pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Blighted Nyss Shepherd (1pts)
Succubus (2pts)

The Throne is amazing! It's also one of those models in the game when I can barely contain my excitement.
The new Thagrosh model won't be available until around February, until than I'm gathering the troops and preparing. I'll continue to play Skorne, I may decide to par down my collection or even sell my entire collection altogether. Not sure yet.

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