I came up with this list:
Points: 50/50
Archdomina Makeda (*5pts)
* Cyclops Brute (5pts)
* Cyclops Raider (5pts)
* Titan Gladiator (8pts)
Cataphract Cetrati (Leader and 5 Grunts) (11pts)
* Tyrant Vorkesh (3pts)
Cataphract Incindiarii (Leader and 5 Grunts) (9pts)
Nihilators (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 3 Grunts) (2pts)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew (Leader and 1 Grunt) (1pts)
Tyrant Commander & Standard Bearer (3pts)
Good mix of range and melee and anti spell. I have a few ideas about how I want to play this list:
1. Makeda casts Farstrike on 3 of the Incindiarii. The Incindiarii do a CRA, 3 pods of 2, This puts their guns at range 14" plus 5SPD giving them a threat range of 19" with P+S 14, 3"AOE with continuous fire and a RAT of 8.
2. Makeda casts Savagery on the Nihilators combined with the Tyrant Commander's Press Forward gives the Nihilators a SPD 13 full advance. I miss out on the charge attack bonus, but P+S 12 is enough to kill on average dice.
3. Cetratii with Vorkesh makes a nice anti-spell brick that's hard to remove and can still benefit from Carnage. Vorkesh is invaluable when facing casters like Sorscha or Dr. Arkadius and brings some nice abilities like Cleave and Precision Strike.
4. The Brute is essentially a bodyguard for Makeda keeping her safe from knockdown and any ranged attack. I plan on holding back the Gladiator for a juicy target while providing Makeda with Fury and blocking charges
5. I took the gobbers because I had 1 point left, isn't that always the way? I wanted an Extoller Soulward for obvious reasons, but had to settle on the gobbers. I'll use them to their max potential: blocking LOS and providing concealment.
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