Saturday, August 16, 2014


I was supposed to spend the day with my daughter yesterday. She instead spent the day with her friend. So I was left wondering how to make the most out of my surprise day to myself. I called Adam for a game and he mentioned the tournament at Dark Forest (this was on Friday night). So I wrote up 2 50 point lists for Mordikaar and eHexeris.

The tournament started at 10 am, I got there, paid the $5 and registered. 

Game 1: Mordikaar vs. eHaley - Cygnar
I didn't do too bad, I didn't have any trouble with time, I had lots to spare. I attempted an assassination with a void spirit, but rolled low and failed to kill Haley. He won by scenario 5:3.

Game 2: Buy
Odd number of people, so I just hung out and watched other people play.

Game 3: eHexeris vs. Kaelyssa - Retrubution
I was totally unprepared for this list. Basically I dropped my pants and got kicked square in the balls. Worst game ever. His jacks put out a defensive field right in front of my nihilators, my entire army came to a skreeching halt. Plus I moved Hexeris up way too far. Game took about 20 minutes. Nice guy though, he apologized for his list before the game even started.

Glad I got to play in a tournement finally, even though I didn't even place. I learned alot, made me take a good long look at my army and my playstyle. Adam didn't do very well either.

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