Monday, August 27, 2012

35pt. Skorne/Minions

This is my next project: 35 points of Skorne/Minions.
Cyclops Savage
Cyclops Savage
Titan Gladiator
Titan Gladiator
Max Gators with Paingiver Taskmaster
Min Paingiver Beasthandlers

I've read that this is a solid list, but I want to get in a few games on Vassal with it before purchasing actual models. This army should be fairly easy to purchase considering I already own the Gators. (That's 1/3 of the list right off the bat.) I plan on picking up a Titan Gladiator/Sentry/Cannoneer kit and magnetizing it to get a bit of variety. The Feralgeist should be fun, the idea of dead warbeasts coming back to unlife really appeals to me.

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