Monday, August 27, 2012

35pt. Skorne/Minions

This is my next project: 35 points of Skorne/Minions.
Cyclops Savage
Cyclops Savage
Titan Gladiator
Titan Gladiator
Max Gators with Paingiver Taskmaster
Min Paingiver Beasthandlers

I've read that this is a solid list, but I want to get in a few games on Vassal with it before purchasing actual models. This army should be fairly easy to purchase considering I already own the Gators. (That's 1/3 of the list right off the bat.) I plan on picking up a Titan Gladiator/Sentry/Cannoneer kit and magnetizing it to get a bit of variety. The Feralgeist should be fun, the idea of dead warbeasts coming back to unlife really appeals to me.

Tau are moving on...

 After much thought, I think that it's time for the Tau to move on. I have enjoyed this army but with the current state of the game I don't think I could bring myself to play anymore. Warmachine/Hordes is calling and I want to purchase a new army and expand on existing ones.

These were taken during a battle with Chris and his Blood Angels.

I have:

4 Crisis Suits (All have been reposed to look as if they are in motion and have been magnetized for weapon variety.)
6 Stealth Suits (5 with burst cannons, 1 with fusion blaster)
40 Firewarriors (all with pulse rifles)
20 Kroot
4 Devilfish Transports
3 Hammerhead Gunships (Turret weapons have been magnetized.)
8 gun drones

$300* takes it. 

*I will add the Chessex figure cases that I keep them in for a little extra.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I'm at a bit of a crossroads.
Games Workshop has turned down a very dark corner in my opinion. Their continued price increases, revamping the game every 4-5 years and their discontinue of casting in metal has encouraged me to seek other avenues to get my table top wargaming fix. Enter Warmachine.
I discovered Warmachine in late 2010 and started playing regularly with my friend Rob in early 2011. Warmachine is on a smaller scale than 40K, by that I mean you play with fewer models. I like that aspect of the game very much, it allows me to focus on a few small units rather than a grand army. Painting WM models are a joy too. They have amazing detail and I can take my time with them as I usually only have 5-10 models in a whole unit. (I currently have 100+ Orks in pieces that probably will never see the light of day.)
I am considering what to do with my 40K Tau army: Should I keep it or sell it?
I bought this army brand new, piece by piece shortly after my divorce. It gave me something to focus on, something to keep me occupied as my soul mended. I really haven't played that many games with it. All told, probably a total of a dozen. It's a fun army to play and I have enjoyed battling Scott's Space Marines. The army is nearly fully painted, there are 12 Kroot that need to be finished up but everything else is done. I imagine it would fetch a nice price on Ebay or the local game store, thereby giving my some extra cash to spend on a new Warmachine/Hordes army. I'm considering Skorne.
Now here is the dilemma: Should I sell the army or keep it?
I could keep it:
I don't REALLY need to sell it. It's packed away all nice and out of the way. I am not in such a financial crunch that I need to start selling my possessions. I always felt that that was a band-aid solution anyway. If ever I get nostalgic, I could pull out the models and ooh and ahh over the nice paint jobs and fly the Hammerheads around and make "zoom zoom" noises.
I could sell it:
As of this moment, I have no desire to play 40K. 6th edition rules have just been released and I hear that it's a totally different game from 5th. I don't like when GW does that. 5th edition was fine with me, I was good at it despite the fact that throughout all of 5th edition I was playing with a 4th edition codex. (Another thing I don't like about GW, but that's another topic.) On top of that, as with all new editions, I will most likely have to purchase more models to stay competitive or because my current models just won't fit in the game any more. Such was the case with my Tyranid army. 2 years into the 5th edition rules, I was still playing with a 4th edition codex. I built my army around the 4th edition codex. Suddenly the 5th edition codex comes out and almost half my army is no longer viable. I REFUSE to spend another dime on GW products. I have always had the philosophy that if something sucks, don't buy it.
I would still have my Nid and Ork armies to play if the day ever came. I could use the proceeds from the sale to purchase a Skorne army for Hordes. This would be my first Hordes army, I want to give it a go and take a break from warcasters, warjacks and focus.

Tau army has been sold.
I'm holding off on the Skorne army. I thought it would be fun to try out the Skorne to avoid Khador burnout. But I want to continue to explore Khador and all it has to offer. I feel as if I have only scratched the surface.