Sunday, December 10, 2017

The state of my gaming

I haven't been gaming for a while. After a few false starts I stopped playing Warmachine altogether. 3rd edition really didn't appeal to me and the current super competitive meta is really turning me off. Company of Iron isn't giving me a reason to play either. Warmachine was meant to be played as it is, without the warcasters, large warbeasts, colossals, battle engines, cavalry, etc. it feels like the game is really lacking something. Games like Malifaux, Necromunda, Battletech and Guild Ball were meant to be played on a smaller scale., not Warmachine.

I want to start playing something smaller like Necromunda or Malifaux, problem is I don't know anyone locally who plays. That's what I find so confounding: The game with the lower cost barrier to entry has no players. It's all "Rah Rah Warmachine!!" and "Rah Rah 40K!!!"

Malifaux looks fun for it's use of cards instead of dice and horror steampunk setting. I may just have to pick up a starter 2 player set and run demos at my local store to generate interest.

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