Monday, January 6, 2014

Khador vs. Circle - 50 points

Turn 1: Khador
Irusk's army deploys as a brick, The Winter Guard Rifle Corps and Kovnik
Joe set up behind the Man-O-War unit on the right, the Kayazy Assassins
with the Underboss set up behind the MOW unit on the left.
The Battle Mechaniks set up directly behind Behemoth where they will be
most useful. Widowmaker Marksman uses his Advanced Deployment and sets
up in the woods.
Everyone runs forward, the Kayazy and the Rifle Corps taking cover
behind the 2 units of Demo Corps. Irusk walks up, casts Fire For Effect
on Behemoth.

Turn 1: Circle
Kaya deployed her forces to both threaten the enemy zone using the
druids and the stalker to invade on the east flank supported by the
Gorax and the Druid Wilder.
The Feral, Pureblood, and Warpborn deployed on the East flank to defend
the Circle control zone as well as break through the enemy lines and
flank their control area.
Circle advanced at full speed into the jaws of death. Everyone moves up
one way or another.
The stalker hid behind the tower occupying the center of the board.
Druids popped smoke and elemental protection as well as anti magic aura.
Gorax hid out in the backfield with the wilder.
Kaya moved up toward the east flank supporting the two warpwolves and
the skinwalkers.
Kaya casts shadowpack giving her and all her warbeasts stealth. She also
puts Forced evolution on the pureblood thinking that def 16 will keep
him alive if he does get charged.
In a misguided attempt to blast the enemy with his sonic howl the
Pureblood Angrim moved out into the open thinking its high defense and
distance would prent it from being harmed.

Turn 2: Khador
Eveyone moves forward to get into position. Irusk upkeeps Fire For
Effect on Behemoth.
Behemoth shoots bombard cannons at stealthed pureblood warpwolf, 3"
AOE auto deviates and hits nothing.
Irusk casts Airburst on pureblood - only target in his control range.
Misses him and shifting stone.
Irusk casts Battle Lust on MOW D-Corps unit on the east flank, MOW
D-Corps unit charges, kills pureblood and a shifting stone.

Turn 2: Circle
The warpborn skinwalkers countercharge the D-corps and with the help of
a feral warpwolf kill them all. (DAMMIT!!!) Druids move off further to the west
flank to try and pull the surviving unit of D-corps into range for
attack from the pureblood and manage to inflict a few minor injuries.
The Stalker makes a failed charge which will surely lead to his doom.

Turn 3: Khador
Kovnik Joe uses For the Motherland, shoots the closest skinwalker. The
rifle corps activate, all shoot the same skinwalker, fail to kill it. (My dice suck!!)
Kayazy Underboss uses kill stroke, orders the assassins to charge the
unit of druids, kills 3 druids.
MOW Demo Corps charge the warpwolf stalker, 2 kill him. Rest of unit
destroys shifting stones.
Behemoth shoots feral warpwolf, misses, hits skinwalker instead, does
1 point of damage, 2nd shot misses but still catches warpwolf and 1
skinwalker, damages warpwolf, not skinwalker

Turn 3 :Circle
Severely depleted unit of Shifting stones moves into enemy zone .
Keeper blasts at Irusk with his stone hammer spell but misses killing a
pair of mechanics cowering behind the behemoth. (What else are they going to do?)
Laris charges into woods to attack sniper -fails Kaya pops feat, moves,
casts laris' animus to port next to sniper.
Beats him down.
Druid Wilder casts PRIMAL on the Gorax.
Gorax moves up picks up a man o war demo corps and chucks him two handed
at irusk. Knocking both down. Damaging demo corps nearly to death and
irusk a bit.
Gorax beats on other demo corps in his rage.
 Feral Warpwolf moved up and picked up another demo corps and chucked it
at Irusk...killing the D-Corps and does 9 damage to Irusk.

Turn 4: Khador
Irusk spends 1 focus point to stand up, pops feat, gives focus to
Behemoth.  MOW trooper moves up and kills stonekeeper. Behemoth kills
warpborn skinwalker, shoots at Laris, misses and does no damage. Kovnik  Joe uses
Bears Strength on rifle corp, rifle corps charge skinwalkers.  Assassins
activate, move in to kill remaining druids.

Turn 4: Circle
Feral and gorax berserked, gorax could not be helped but letting fury
stay on the feral cost circle  a chance to assasinate or at least put
some real hurt on a more critical unit....killing rifle corps was not
Druids ran away in an effort to not die.
Kaya took potshots at Irusk and missed.
Skinwalkers butchered a couple of gunners...but that fight dragged on.

Turn 5: Khador
Behemoth charges and kills warpwolf. Shoots bombard cannons, misses
gorax, hits 3 skinwalkers, does not damage them, kills 1 rifle corp
trooper instead. Ooopps!
Irusk moves into control zone, casts Battle Lust on MOW on the West
flank. MOW charges skinwalkers, killing 2.  Rifle corps move in to
engage skinwalkers, killing nobody.  Kayazy run into control zone on
opposite end.

Turn 5: Circle
Double buffed the Gorax with primal and forced evolution Took a pot shot
at irusk with kaya for one point.
Threw a rifelman at irusk for 3 dmg.
The last living druid tried to take out a knocked down and severely
damaged Irusk. Had he opened fire with his spells he might have
succeeded...he tried to melee him though and fell short on the charge.
At that point Kaya decided the better part of having your army butchered
might be to come back and fight another day.
Victory goes to Khador.

But the druids will be back for the next battle

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