Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goreshade the Cursed

Here's another warcaster I've grown quite fond of: Goreshade the Cursed.
Goreshade (-5)
Defiler Bonejack 5
Deathripper Bonejack 4
Deathripper Bonejack 4
Max Bane Thralls + UA 11
Max Bane Thralls + UA 8*
Banelord Tartarus 4
The Withershadow Combine 5
Goreshade's tier list allows me to take an additional UA of the Banes free of cost and ignores FA rules. Goreshade has some interesting abilities; Arcane Consumption discourages enemy spellcasting within his control range. His elite cadre is amazing! Combined with Tartarus, I can create Banes all night! His weapon of choice - Voass the God Blade - causes models to become stationary on a crit. I once took out Thagarosh with this weapon.
The bonejacks are there to provide a bodyguard for Goreshade. Nothing in the army blocks line of sight to him, being on a medium base. The jacks are good to keep in the back.
Fun to play. I've had about the same number of wins as losses. Sometimes I'll take a min unit of Bane Knights instead of the jacks.

UPDATE: 8/27/12
I recently played 2 consecutive games with a modified version of the above list. I swapped out the 2 Deathrippers in favor of a Reaper helljack.  My opponent was Dan and his eDoomshaper list:
Dire Troll
Pyre Troll
full Fenblades + UA
First game was short: I placed Gorshade behind a thin line of Thralls and got whacked with his Dire troll.
Second game was a little more interesting. I turned most of his Fenblades into thralls and finally had the last living member of the Withershadow Combine kill Doomshaper.


  1. Also, as you pointed out, nothing can block line of sight to him...that seems like a bad idea. Since you can make thralls all day why not take one of the units min with fa and get a Helljack bodyguard for your caster with the extra points (like by exchanging the 5 point defiler). Thats 8 points. Thats a Slayer and 3 necrotechs..or a slayer and a skarlock and a necrotech (who comes with a scrap thrall and can make more from the bodies of enemy jacks). So there really is no reason to just let some yabo Cygnar player put a cap in your caster when you could do so much with the loss of only a few thralls you should be able to replace using the powers of your caster and Tartarsauce.
