Goreshade (-5)
Defiler Bonejack 5
Deathripper Bonejack 4
Deathripper Bonejack 4
Max Bane Thralls + UA 11
Max Bane Thralls + UA 8*
Banelord Tartarus 4
The Withershadow Combine 5
Goreshade's tier list allows me to take an additional UA of the Banes free of cost and ignores FA rules. Goreshade has some interesting abilities; Arcane Consumption discourages enemy spellcasting within his control range. His elite cadre is amazing! Combined with Tartarus, I can create Banes all night! His weapon of choice - Voass the God Blade - causes models to become stationary on a crit. I once took out Thagarosh with this weapon.
The bonejacks are there to provide a bodyguard for Goreshade. Nothing in the army blocks line of sight to him, being on a medium base. The jacks are good to keep in the back.
Fun to play. I've had about the same number of wins as losses. Sometimes I'll take a min unit of Bane Knights instead of the jacks.
UPDATE: 8/27/12
I recently played 2 consecutive games with a modified version of the above list. I swapped out the 2 Deathrippers in favor of a Reaper helljack. My opponent was Dan and his eDoomshaper list:
Dire Troll
Pyre Troll
full Fenblades + UA
First game was short: I placed Gorshade behind a thin line of Thralls and got whacked with his Dire troll.
Second game was a little more interesting. I turned most of his Fenblades into thralls and finally had the last living member of the Withershadow Combine kill Doomshaper.