Sunday, May 8, 2022

Sellswords and Spellslingers

I have found yet another game to scratch the gaming itch. This time, lucky for me, it's one that I can play solo so I needn't worry about not having other people to play with. 
I am attempting to adapt the game to fit my miniature collection. To that end, I have crafted a gaming board and terrain to resemble the Underdark and I'm using miniatures related to such.

I am playing a narrative campaign surrounding three main characters; Dalamar; a dark elf warlock, Shanda; an orc fighter, and Udek; a dark dwarf rogue. 

I have played a few games and this is their story thus far:

Scenario 1: Escape
All three characters are from different backgrounds but all find themselves as slaves in a caravan travelling through the Underdark to the slave market. Some of the other slaves decide to revolt and start fighting with their captors. The three characters all decide to use this opportunity to escape. The characters must move across the board to the other side to safety. They have no equipment or weapons but can spend an action point to try to find something to use as a weapon; a rock, etc. on a DL13. I chose a few hordes of derro randomly placed on the board as foes.
Dalamar was unable to use his magic dart spell because his captors had shackled him with an anti-magic collar. He and Udek hightailed it for freedom while Shanda's orc instincts got the better of her. She found a weapon and tore through a horde of derro and a duergar. A random monster entered the board in the form of a giant spider, roused by all the commotion. The spider shot a web at Dalamar, webbing him to the spot. Shanda, in her bloodlust, charged the creature, eventually killing it. 
Duek meanwhile, spotted some rare and valuable ore but could not stop to take some as a second giant spider came out of hiding. Shanda, ever a slave to her fury, charged the new foe. This time however, she was defeated and carried off as food for the spider and her young. Udek and Dalamar escaped off the far edge of the board leaving Shanda to her fate.
Scenario 2: Rare Minerals
Udek, being the greedy dwarf that he is, couldn't get over leaving such a rare and valuable ore deposit behind. He convinced Dalamar to go back and help him on the condition that he would remove the anti-magic collar. The two, now rested and armed, would go back and try to find the ore sample. 
Oh, and maybe rescue Shanda if it wasn't too much trouble. 

I left the board the same as it was the first game. I chose a giant spider, two huge spiders, a horde of smaller spiders and a winged bat-thing as foes, randomly placed on the board. I cut out 4 pieces of paper and wrote ORE on one of them. I shuffled the pieces and placed them at random locations face down. Udek didn't exactly remember where the ore sample was so he had to spend an action point to search each location until he found it. The comatose form of Shanda was placed at the center of the board, in the middle of the spider's lair. Dalamar meanwhile was busy keeping the giant spiders at bay with his magic. After his second attempt, Udek found the ore sample. This location was close to where Shanda was being held and Udek decided that it was in their best interest is free her. He spent an action point to cut her down and moved off the board with her at half speed. Dalamar took cover and fended off the foes. After finally killing the giant spider, he felt the surge of magic rush through him (Mana flux card) and set about killing one of the huge spiders as well. He then joined Udek in helping carry Shanda off the board. 

I figured that awarding 2 xp for finding the ore and another 2 xp for rescuing Shanda was fair. I decided that for every damage point the characters inflict would be worth 1 xp going forward. That way I would be incentivised to take risks and get into combat rather than run away. I hope that I am not awarding too much xp, but I do want the characters to level up to the point that they are capable of facing more challenging foes and situations. 

Coming up with stats for the foes is a bit of a challenge as well. I am using the existing monster stats as a guide and coming up with stats that fit the flavor of the monsters but are also balanced. For instance; the derro are diminutive dwarf-like creatures so would probably be used as minions and be subject to the Hordes rules. I gave them DL6 with 1HP and the Stealth characteristic. The Duergar are a bit more robust, I gave them DL10 and 1HP. Their lore mentions that they have a bit of magic resistance so I decided to make them DL12 vs magic. The giant spider has a DL of 13, 4HP, inflicts 2 wounds and shoots a web that does no damage but makes the victim immobile. 

I'm having a great time with this game. I get to see my miniatures on the board finally and to create and build terrain. Fleshing out the characters is fun and challenging. All three are from different races that normally would hate each other. I had to come up with reasons why they would want to work together and continue to stay together. They are all outcasts and renegades and probably would not survive long in the Underdark alone. Udek has become the brains of the group. Being a dark dwarf, he can be very pragmatic and not let emotions get in the way. Dalamar comes from one of the great houses in the Underdark. He is accustomed to wealth and privilege despite being a second class citizen in Drow society. He is weak and sniveling and is easily cowed despite his magic potential. Shanda, despite being a savage orc, does have the capacity for honor. She now owes the group, especially Udek, a life debt.