Sunday, October 14, 2018

Rogue Stars

I'm using this space to brainstorm crews for the Rogue Stars game. Great thing about the game is that you get to use whatever miniatures that you want. Although the setting is a sci-fi underworld, there is no preset, overarching universe. Missions, locations and conditions are generated randomly and players can create a game narrative based on the results of the rolls.

These are a selection of models that I would use as mercenaries.


Might be fun to collect these minis and create a generic superhero/supervillan team, all with their own powers, weaknesses and origin stories. Reminds me of the days when I played Champions with my friends.

Adventuring warband

Half Ogre Templar

 Gnome Illusionist

Frostgrave Dark Dwarf Warband

 Dwarf Wizard
 Apprentice and Construct
 Undead Infantryman
Dwarf Thief

Frostgrave warbands

I'm brainstorming Frostgrave warbands now.
 Goblin mage
 Bugbear Barbarian
 Orc Apprentice
 Goblin Archer
 Orc Man at Arms
Goblin Thief


I'm just discovering Frostgrave, the miniature skirmish game, and I'm fascinated! From what I understand at this point, each warband starts out with a wizard and an apprentice. The apprentice is optional but all the info I can find about the game strongly suggests hiring one. You can then hire up to 8 more members of the warband, all ranging from basic thugs to apothecaries, rangers and knights. These categories are intentionally broad and allows you to pick any miniature to flesh it out.  There are official miniatures for sale but from what I gather any fantasy miniatures can be used. It's also not race specific, allowing you to create and go nuts.
I'm brainstorming warbands now. I have a few ideas for undead, orcs and goblins, dark dwarves, dark elves and a band of general adventures.

You start out with 500 gold to build the warband. The wizard costs nothing initially, the apprentice costs 200 gold and you can have up to 8 additional hirelings.

Below is a list of the soldiers for hire, cost, weapons and special rules:

War Hound 10gc Animal, Cannot carry treasure or items
Thug 20gc Hand Weapon
Thief 20gc Dagger
Archer 50gc Bow, Dagger, Leather Armour
Crossbowman 50gc Crossbow, Dagger, Leather Armour
Infantryman 50gc Two-Handed Weapon, Leather Armour
Tracker 80gc Staff, Bow, Leather Armour
Man-at-Arms 80gc Hand Weapon, Shield, Leather Armour
Treasure Hunter 80gc Hand Weapon, Dagger, Leather Armour
Knight 100gc Hand Weapon, Shield, Mail Armour
Templar 100gc Two-Handed Weapon, Mail Armour
Ranger 100gc Bow, Hand Weapon, Leather Armour
Barbarian 100gc Two Handed Weapon
Apothecary 100gc Staff, starts each game carrying a healing potion
Marksman 100gc Crossbow, Hand Weapon, Mail Armour

Again the list is very broad and allows you to pick any miniature to fill the role.