Sunday, January 28, 2018

Journeyman League

I find myself at the game table once again, this time I am taking part in a local Journeyman League hosted by my friend Adam. I always thought that the purpose of such a league was to encourage players to purchase new armies and build them up slowly. Adam allowed me to use the Trolls that I already owned but never played with. The first game was last Monday, my list was:
Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster
Troll Axer 
Troll Bouncer
Troll Impaler

I played against a Cygnar player. I had fun, I lost but still had fun. I forgot to feat but my caster was able to finish off 2 opposing jacks all by himself. For the next round I plan on adding an Earthborne Dire Troll, after that a unit of Champions. 

Feels good to get back into the game after my long absence. Anything that gives me a reason to get out of the house and socialize is good.