I used the following pXerxis list all 3 games.
Points: 50/50
Tyrant Xerxis (*5pts)
* Basilisk Krea (4pts)
* Bronzeback Titan (10pts)
* Tiberion (11pts)
Cataphract Cetrati (Leader and 5 Grunts) (11pts)
Cataphract Incindiarii (Leader and 3 Grunts) (6pts)
Nihilators (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
Paingiver Beast Handlers (Leader and 5 Grunts) (3pts)
Orin Midwinter, Rogue Inquisitor (2pts)
I like it, fun to play.
Game 1: eSorcha
Surprisingly, he didn't cast freezing grip on anything, he kept Sorcha bricked up all game. Things didn't go well for me, I killboxed myself, I conceded.
Game 2: Harkevich
He charged Behemoth straight at my Bronzeback but surprisingly failed to kill it. I finished off Behemoth with a combined effort of Xerxis and Bronzeback. Don't remember how exactly the game went, but I conceded.
Game 3: Midas, Tier 4
I really need to take notes or take pictures during games. This was our 3rd game of the day and it was getting late. It was a 35 point game, cool things happened, I killed stuff, Adam conceded.