Sunday, November 27, 2011

Ultramarines vs. Tau - 2000 points

I got to play a game of 40K with Scott over the Thanksgiving break. This time it was his Ultramarines vs. my Tau at Pair-A-Dice Games in Rochester.
We played our usual take and hold objectives game, 3 objectives were placed on the table, evenly spaced.
I played my usual list (see earlier post)
Scott played:

HQ: Commander with melta bombs
 Elite: Terminators (5)
1 w/assault cannon
 Elite: DDP (dreadnaught in a drop pod with a plasma cannon)
 Elite: Sternguard in a Razorback
 Troops: Tact Squad
 Troops: Tact Squad
 Troops: Scouts with sniper rifles
 Fast: Assault Squad
 Heavy: Land Raider
 Heavy: Predator 

The game went pretty well, my dice didn't crap all over me (for once). I took out Scott's HQ, Dread, Scouts, and most of the Assault Squad. My railguns pounded the crap out of his tanks, but the worst damage I could do was to immobilize and peel off the lascannon side sponson on the Land Raider. Oh, I did manage to destroy the Razorback on Turn 5. I lost a Hammerhead, 1 full squad of Firewarriors, 10 Kroot and 1 Crisis Suit with 2 gun drones. However I did make one big mistake: I lost track of what turn it was. By Turn 5, I had plenty of troops to take the objective, but only 1 was close enough. I should have moved my Firewarrior loaded Devilfish up close enough so that all I needed to do on Turn 5 was to disembark to claim objectives. 
Out of the 3 objectives, Scott claimed 1, 1 was contested while the third was left unclaimed. A close but solid win for Scott..